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At Prologue,  our aim is to allow your journey through pregnancy to be as healthy, safe, informed, individualised, inclusive and therefore memorable as possible. We see it as a privilege that you would entrust your care with us and in return you will receive our dedicated and personalised service.


The whole team at Prologue prioritises making ourselves accessible and available to you. In order to do this, we limit the number of obstetric patients we book. We have purposely chosen to perform deliveries exclusively at the Mater Hospital and the Prince of Wales Private Hospital, meaning we can devote our full attention to you at the hospital of your choice.

As a group we very much appreciate that pregnancy and birth is inherently a natural process. We respect that intervention should only occur when it is both indicated and has been discussed with, and evaluated by, you and your team. We are very experienced and motivated by caring for women with uncomplicated pregnancies who aim to appropriately minimise the medicalisation of their pregnancy and delivery.

To insure the safest pregnancy, the style of antenatal care we give you, needs to be tailored to your specific needs. Some women have pre-existing medical conditions that could impact the course of their pregnancy or not uncommonly, women with no medical history can develop pregnancy-associated conditions. Having a background and training based at large, tertiary hospitals, all our clinical team have a refined set of skills that are well suited to managing those pregnancies which are, or become, complex. This includes, but is not limited to, caring for women with diabetes, hypertension, autoimmune conditions, uterine fibroids, anxiety and other mental health conditions, eating disorders, epilepsy, twins, IVF conceived pregnancies and those women over the age of 40.

Should you decide to breastfeed, it is a skill that is needed to be learned simultaneously by first time mothers and their baby. Easy access to quality guidance and advice is essential during this process.

Your ultimate success at breast feeding starts with preparation before you have had your baby. As the time of your delivery approaches, all of our obstetric patients sit down with midwife Polly who will offer you lactation support. She will discuss your feelings and intentions regarding how you would like to feed your baby. She can also workshop any fears or stories you may have heard regarding breast feeding. Most importantly, she will start to discuss ways you can start to physically prepare your body before birth to encourage adequate breast milk production when it is needed.

As a client of Prologue, you will also be able to access the lactation service during your stay at the either Prince of Wales Private Hospital or the Mater Hospital. These services are specifically designed to support you and your baby whilst you are establishing breastfeeding in hospital. You can choose to attend structured sessions that run throughout the week, or request a visit to your private room from a lactation consultant during your hospital stay.


Within one week of leaving hospital, you will again sit down with Polly to debrief and troubleshoot any issues you may be having with your recovery or breastfeeding your baby. You will also reconnect with Polly a few weeks later to make sure things are still on track and you are aware of all the community based resources that can become increasingly relevant with time. If needed, we will also arrange for you to have some additional sessions with Polly until you feel confident and comfortable with your feeding plan.

As a client of Prologue, you are offered access to a range of education sessions and antenatal classes designed to inform and support you and your team, during your pregnancy.

Of course, an important aspect of the care we provide you is the opportunity and environment to ask us as many questions as you like. However, we find the structured, midwifery-led sessions run at the Mater Hospital and the Prince of Wales Private Hospital are enjoyed by many of our clients, as they provide a wealth of knowledge in a supportive group environment. You can choose to enroll in those antenatal classes that suit your needs and options include parenting; birth; epidural and caesarean.

The Prologue team is dedicated to work with you to curate an education and health program that suits your values, needs and goals. Therefore, we are also well informed and happy to discuss with you, the other antenatal classes in Sydney that are available to you, such as Calmbirth; She Births and Hypnobirthing. We will also provide you with information and access to various pregnancy specific exercise classes that are offered locally including yoga, pilates and aqua-exercise.